About SRGS
Over a century, the Shri Ram Family has created, supported, and managed some of the country’s finest educational institutions like Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) and Lady Shri Ram College (LSR), ranked by an India Today survey as the country’s top colleges in Commerce and Arts respectively.
The Shri Ram Global School has been founded by the Shri Ram Education Trust, adding a whole new dimension to the renowned Shri Ram legacy in education. Shri Ram Global School is not only a school but an experience which children and parents identify as their own. Here they will have the first experience in the process of learning with joy, becoming confident of themselves and considerate of others by knowing themselves as an individual, understanding by exploring, discovering and reinventing.
Thus Shri Ram Global School sets forth the way for each child to develop his/ her unique potential, foster child to become successful citizen, soaring high in tomorrow’s world. The school emphasizes on constructive relationship between the parents to teachers as an important factor contributing to child’s success.
It is recognized and valued that children bring their own perspectives and cultures as well as experiences to the classroom. At the Shri Ram Global School, we are acutely sensitive to the nurturing of your child during formative years when the human character takes shape. Children explore who they are in relation to the others in the world and who they are as unique individuals. They are encouraged to express interest, respect, sensitivity, and responsibility while interacting with others. This is why the imparting of learning is balanced with inculcating the right values in every child. It is our constant endeavor that every child in our care is endowed with the noble qualities of character that makes him or her in time a responsible and responsive member of the community.