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Shri Ram Global School, Lucknow, celebrated Eid with fervor and enthusiasm, showcasing the rich cultural diversity within the school community. The event was organized entirely by the students, under the guidance of the school faculty, to commemorate the joyous occasion of Eid.
The event commenced with a solemn recitation of a Quranic verse, symbolizing the spiritual significance of Eid. Following the reverberating Holy Quran verse recitation by Master Ahmad Abdullah of class IX, a splendid presentation that highlighted the importance of Eid in Islam. Students elucidated the significance of Eid-ul-Fitr, emphasizing themes of gratitude, charity, and communal harmony. Vibrant and melodious song ‘Hasbi Rabbi’ performance added a touch of jubilation to the event. The festivities culminated with a mesmerizing dance performance, on a medley of popular Eid songs.
Our Principal addressed the students and inspired us all and reminded us of the importance of sharing happiness and spreading kindness not only during Eid but throughout our lives.
The Eid celebration event at Shri Ram Global School, Lucknow, was a resounding success, showcasing the vibrant cultural tapestry of the school community via celebrating unity in diversity.
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