Shri Ram Global School, Lucknow, celebrated “KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION” ceremony on 18 March, 2023 in the benign presence of the Director of Operations Ms Palak Singh, Principal Ms Sushma Soni, Chief academic Advisor Ms Pooja Prasad. In order to make the day Hon’ble District Magistrate Shri Surya Pal Gangwar was invited as the chief guest.
Kindergarten graduation ceremony has a great significance in the lives of the little ones. It is a time to celebrate with all the people, friends, teachers and parents who have helped the tiny tots and made learning fun.
Graduation Day is important because it is a ceremony which marks significant accomplishment to so many people. The graduation ceremony itself is a symbolic event that represents all the hard work and accomplishments that students have partaken to earn their status as a kindergarten graduate.
To make this day exuberant the little superstars of Grade 1 welcomed the audience by performing a Vandana, followed by Dance and Song performances presented by Pre-nursery and Nursery Children. To show the mile stone of all the values including ‘Gratitude’, the famous song ‘Two little words’ and ‘One more step’ was sung melodiously by the rock band of Kindergarten that made the audience spell bound. The whole scenario became virile with the foot tapping number presented by Grade 1 students during the Finale.
At the end it was indeed a joyous and indelible day for the little ones as they received their Graduation certificates from the chief guest and other dignitaries. The Hon’ble DM addressed the audience and ended the speech by congratulating all the little shining stars on their achievement. May God bless these tiny “graduates” as they continue their education in the main stream of the school.