Good Health and well-being is sustainable development goal 3 that ensures heathy lives and promote well- being for all at all ages. As a part of this mission Healthon 2024 mega health camp was organised at Shri Shri Ram Global school Lucknow in association with the Healt h department of UP and Chandan Hospital on 4th Feb. 2024. The health camp was open for all to create awareness and educate people about healthcare where renowned doctors rendered free registration and consultation. The purpose of the camp was to identify and address health issues in a community, to promote preventive healthcare and reduce the incidence of diseases, to provide access to medical care and treatment to people. During the Health camp, a range of services like routine medical check-ups, heamoglobin test, sugar test, height- weight, blood pressure check- up, medicine distribution were provided under the curative services. People attended the camp in large number to get free check-up and treatment– this is the testimony to the success of the Health camp.