Here comes a brand new little boy, to fill all our hearts and lives with joy! Happy Birthday, Nandlala !
To celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna, a special assembly was held in the premises of Shri Ram Global School, on 17 August 2022. The very talented students from the Primary wing sang the praises of Kanha. It was overwhelming to see how the adorable students of Pre Primary to Grade II dressed up as Natkhat Krishna and Divine Radha. They danced to the tunes of Krishna. Students also talked about the historical tale of birth of Lord Krishna.
The assembly dispersed with lots of zest, enthusiasm, energy, and joy reflecting on the faces of the children.
Later they prepared craft of dahi handi, flute & morpankh to mark the day. Overall it was a fun filled day for children and they enjoyed a lot.
Happy Krishna Janmashtami !
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