Memories of school educational trips are among the most prominent of the formative years, largely because they are a welcome break in the regular routine for both students and teachers. In an educative and fun filled trip, students of the Primary wing (grades 2 and3) and (grades 4 and 5) of Shri Ram Global School visited the General Post Office (GPO) on 22nd September and 23rd September respectively. The children learnt about the different services available in the Post Office such as registered post, money order and speed post. Children were excited to see how the letters were stamped, sorted and put in different boxes and shelves. Curiosity led the children to ask questions to the Post Master, who was happy to answer their queries and explained how letters were collected and delivered to their destinations, he even explained to them how Aadhar Card can be made there and also money can be deposited in the post office.
In the high-tech era of Mobile and E-Mail, the children enjoyed watching the services of postman in delivering the letters in person to the public. The field trip was overall an enjoyable and informative experience for the students as most of them were seeing the post office for the first time.