“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” …
In the light of the above saying SRGS Lucknow arranged a field trip for the students to a nearby fire station, in order to make them understand the importance of community helpers in our lives. Our tiny tots were briefed by the officer on how to contact the fire authorities in case of an emergency by dialing 112. They were also educated on the ways that can be used for dousing the fire, a demonstration drill was also conducted to explain the whole process of fire elimination. Lastly, our little munchkins explored the vehicles used by the firemen during the state of emergency. The whole objective was to enhance visual learning.
This outbound trip gave the students an idea about what to do and how important it is to use their presence of mind when an emergency like this occurs. They also understood the significance of these people and how difficult it would be if these people are not there to help us when such a need arises.