Shri Ram Global School, Lucknow, organized ‘Healthy Snack Day’ on 20th December, 2023 (Saturday) to promote healthy eating habits amongst children.
Students from Pre Nur to KG actively participated in the Group Elocution competition that was held as a part of this event. An elocution competition is the art of public speaking that gives children the confidence to speak in front of a large audience.
Children chose a variety of topics on healthy food for the elocution competition. Students were judged on parameters like memorization, clarity & pronunciation, expressions and voice modulation.
“Smart Choices, Stronger You” reminds us that right food choices can make us even stronger.
The activity was well conducted under the guidance of respective Class Teachers.
The event was a friendly reminder to all that healthy snacking is a powerful tool to reduce the onset of diseases. Children were encouraged to eat nutritious food that will help their bodies stay strong and healthy.
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