Sports activities were held in SRGS to commemorate “National Sports Day”.
The national sports day in India is celebrated on 29 August, on the birth anniversary of hockey legend ‘Major Dhyan Chand, who won gold medals in the Olympics for India in the years 1928,1932 and 1936 and scored over 570 goals in his career.
Thi special day was celebrated at SRGS to spread awareness on the importance of sports and physical activities in every individual’s life. The programme started with “National Anthem” at 9.00 am. To inspire and motivate the students a Throwball match was organized between the teachers. The teachers were divided into two teams White tigers and Black Panther. The zest of teachers was commendable as they participated with great zeal and showed the true sportsman spirit. After the match Principal ma’am handed over the trophies to the members of both teams.
Children gathered in the playground to cheer their respective teams. This helped them to stay connected to sports and kept the true sportsman spirit alive, giving rise to the aura of sportsmanship.